Olaf Riess

Olaf Riess, MD


1985    MD, Humboldt-University, Berlin,

1989    Promotion, Humboldt-University, Berlin

1994    Habilitation, Ruhr University, Bochum

1995    Specialist in Human Genetics

Clinical Training/Research Experience

1985 bis 1987     Clinial training, Academy of Science Berlin-Buch

1987 bis 1988     Clinial training, Charité Berlin

1988 bis 1989     Postdoctoral fellow, Humboldt-University Berlin

1989                   Postdoctoral fellow, Max-Planck-Institut, Martinsried

1990                   Research Fellowship, UBC Vancouver, Canada


1985 – 1987       Molecular Human Genetics, Research Assistant, Academy of Sciences, Berlin

1987 – 1990       Department of Human Genetics, non-tenured employee, Humboldt-University, Berlin

1990 – 1992       Department of Medical Genetics, Research Associate, UBC, Canada

1992 – 1999       Molecular Human Genetics, Senior Scientist, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

1999 – 2001       Associate Professor (C3), Head of the Department of Medical Genetics,

2001 – Present   Full Professor (C4) of Medical Genetics, Head of the Department for Medical Genetics and applied Genomics, University of Tübingen

Academic and Professional Duties

2007 -2010         Dean of Research, University of Tübingen

2010 – present   Head of Center for Rare Deseases, Tübingen


1990 - 1992 Fellowship of the MRC Canada

Prize of the ”Deutsche Heredoataxie Gesellschaft”

Poster prize at the Movement Society Meeting, New York, USA