COGI Ambassadors
Rahma Al-Haddabi,
Arian Alikaj,
Nadia Almulla,
Abdulwahab Aljabari,
Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulwahab Aljabari MD. Certificated by the royal college of physician and surgeons of Canada in obstetrics and gynecology 1991 and maternal fetal medicine by the same college in 1993.
Currently i am a consultant working at King Fahad Specialist Hospital in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
I hold the position of Associate executive director for surgical services as well as chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology
Mashael Alshebly,
Saudi Arabia

Dr. Muhammad Shamsir Mohd Aria is Associate Professor & Lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in University Malaysia Sarawak. He is also Honorary Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at the Sarawak General Hospital
Tatiana Belokrinitskaya,
Russian Federation

Prof. Belokrinitskaya Tatiana Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Chita State Medical Academy, President of the Transbaikal Region Non-governmental Organization “Obstetricians and Gynecologist Society”
Recent publications
Marina Eliseeva,
Russian Federation

Prof. Marina EliseevaTitle: Professor, MD, PhD, The Honored Physician of the Republic Ingushetia, The Russian Federation
Affiliations: An adjunct professor, The Laboratory of Cellular & Molecular Technologies, Moscow institute of Physics and Technology (State University); An obstetrician gynecologist & surgeon-endoscopist, Russian-German center for reproduction and clinical embryology ‘Generation NEXT’; Consultant gynecologist and plastic-surgeon, Institute of cosmetology, plastic surgery and cellular technologies ‘Real clinic’; An associate professor, Department of ObGyn and Reproductive Medicine, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Education: MD with honours degree and Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency, Faculty of Medicine, Stavropol State Medical academy, Stavropol, Russian Federation, PhD, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Endoscopy courses at Stuttgart university, Frankfurt university and Bari university.
Past clinical, research and educational affiliations: Department of Obstetrics and gynecology,Stavropol State Medical academy, Stavropol, Russian Federation, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Institute of reproductive technologie ‘AltraVita’, Moscow, Russia, Department of gynecology, City municipal hospital, Stavropol, Russian Federation.
Awards and Honours: The Honored Physician of the Republic Ingushetia, The Russian Federation; An adjunct professor, Moscow institute of Physics and Technology (State University); Professor and Honored master of science and education of the Russian academy of natural history (; An invited lecturer at several international congresses; The first price at the All Russian Forum of Obstetricians and gynecologists, 2010, Moscow, Russia; Gratitude Letters from congress presidents and chair persons (ESG, Copenhagen, 2011; NESA, Crete, 2014 and from other events), Member of the NESA, ISFP and other international professional societies.
Heidi Gauci Grech,

Dr. Domenico Carone Medical Manager level at OU Medicine of Urgency of the “S. Mary of the Angels “in Putignano fromJune 1993 consultant contract at OU Pathophysiology of Human Reproduction, IRCCS “S. De Bellis “As for activities Procreation Medically sistita from 19 99 to 2006 From 2007 to date Responsible for Clinical activity of the PMA Center Reproduction and Andrology Taranto
Emile Cohen,

Prof. Ewa Dmoch-Gajzlerska
Education:1972 General Comprehensive Secondary School in Warsaw
1978 Medical Academy in Warsaw – First Faculty of Medicine
1980 1st degree of specialization in the field of gynecology and obstetrics
1985 1st degree of specialization in the field of social medicine
1985 2nd degree of specialization in the field of gynecology and obstetrics
1985 Post-graduate studies in the field of ultrasound at the University of Zagreb
1987 PhD thesis “The blood flow in certain parts of the fetal circulation in normal and complicated pregnancies” at the Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education
1991 Postdoctoral degree
2000 Course on nosocomial infections
Work experience:
1978 Main Medical Library – junior librarian
1978 Prof. Orlowski Hospital – trainee
1979-1984 Prof. Orlowski Hospital – an assistant in the department of methodical organization
1980-1984 Prof. Orlowski Hospital – assistant in the obstetrics and gynecology clinic
1985–2002 Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics CMKP – adjunct Associate Professor
1985- 2006 Prof. Orlowski Hospital – Head of gynecology and obstetrics department
1.VIII.2002 Medical University of Warsaw – Head of Department of Gynaecology Teaching – Maternity Faculty of Health Science, Teaching Head of Gynaecology and Obstetric Department of Health Science, Medical University of Warsaw
1. Scientific Award of the second degree – a team award from the Minister of Health and Social Welfare to be particularly important and creative achievements in the academic year 1987/1988 in the field of perinatology
2. Individual secondary prize for outstanding achievements in teaching and organizational activities in 1992 – awarded by the Director of Postgraduate
3. Medal of the National Education Commission, 2001.
Research achievements:
68 original papers and 70 messages on the downhill slopes domestic and foreign scientific conferences
Ibrahim S. Friko,
Mohamed Fawaz El-Muzaini,
Saudi Arabia

Mohamed Fawaz El-Muzaini
Fellowship in Minimal Invasive Surgery New-Delhi, India, January 2008
FRCOG (Fellow of the Royal college of
Obstetricians and gynecologists) RCOG, London, UK. Jan, 1998
Advanced Obstetrics Ultrasound King’s College University, London, UK 1984
MRCOG Member of the Royal College
Of Obstetricians and Gynecologists RCOG, London, UK, Jan 1984
M.B.Ch.B Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, June 1971
RCOG 11552
General Medical Council Full Registration: 2815943
Saudi Council for Health Specialties No: 2001–R–C–001-9025
Member of World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons
Present Appointments
Chairman , Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
King Abdulaziz Medical City Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Assistant Professor , Obstetrics and Gynecology
King Saud University for Health Specialties Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Medical Advisor
The International Commission on Scientific Signs in Qur’an & Sunnah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Lecturer and Examiner
Saudi and Arab Board Candidates Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Leadership Achievement
I created collaboration between our department and world leading OB/GYN organizations ACOG, SOGC and FIGO.
I Chaired a Major Joint Academic Meeting (Saudi Arabia Obstetrics and Gynecology Congress) SAOGC with the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) held in Riyadh, at Marriot Hotel, Saudi Arabia in January 2012.
I chaired several Mini symposia arranged by our department, Family Medicine at NGHA and national institutes.
I chaired many scientific sessions at different meetings and workshops nationally.
Professional Experience
Chair, Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist Feb-. 2007 till now
OB/GYN Department King Abdulaziz Medical City Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Lead Clinician & Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist . 1995-Feb. 2007
Maternity & Children’s Hospital Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist Aug.1985–Dec. 1994
Maternity & Children’s Hospital Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Emina Ejubovic,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Emina Ejubovic was born in 1987 in Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has finished her primary school as the best student of her generation, as well as high school in Zenica. At the same time she has finished primary music school (piano class) in Zenica with exceptional success. In 2006 she enrolled Medical faculty University of Sarajevo, where she graduated in 2012 as the best student of her generation. Due to this success she was entitled „Pride of the Dean“. She also participated in International student exchange programme in 2009 when she spent a month at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Medical faculty University of Cordoba, Spain where she worked on oxidative stress and neurological diseases. She obtained her medical licence in 2013 and started working at the Clinical Center University of Sarajevo at the Clinic for neurology. From summer 2013 she works in Cantonal Hospital Zenica at the Department for female diseases, perinatology and neonatology as a resident of Gynecology and Obstetrics. In 2014 she enrolled a PhD programme at the Medical faculty University of Zagreb, Croatia where she works on her thesis on reproductive endocrinology, sterility and IVF procedures. She has attended many scientific lectures both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad (Croatia, Serbia, Hungary) and has written publications in scientific journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Her major interest areas are reproductive endocrinology, sterility and infertility, IVF and gynecological endoscopy.
Besides Bosnian, she is fluent in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish. Her hobbies are travelling and meeting new cultures, foreign languages, music composing and reading.
She is a member of Medical chamber in Zenica-Doboj Canton.
Julius Kryss,
Yvonne Lindroos-Setala,

Assistant doctor Yvonne Lindroos-SetalaEducation:
Med. lic. , University of Helsinki 1978
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics Helsinki 1984Languages Swedish, finnish, english, gennan
(Current job description; Private practice in gynecology and obstetrics (an outpatient clinic)
Working experience:
1978 Assistant doctor in gynecologic and obstetric department of University Clinic of Helsinki and Jorvi Hospital
1979 Assistant doctor in surgical department of Koskela Hospital Helsinki
1980- 1984 Assistant doctor in gynecology and obstetrics, Kätilöopisto Hospital, Helsinki
1986 establisher and leader of väestöliitto sexual Health clinic Youth, Helsinki
1984- until now private practice as a specialist in gmecolory and obstetrics
1993-1995lecturer in g5nrecolog and obsterics in nrrses’ school
Additional education:
Yearly courses on gynecolgic and obstric medicine in finland and Europe
Rahimi Mahmoud,
Valentina Mauro,
United Kingdom
Ospan A. Mynbaev,
Russian Federation

MD, PhD, ScD (Ru), MSc Ospan A. Mynbaev
Current positions:
The Principal Researcher, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Technologies, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Instituskii Lane, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
Head, Laboratory of immunology, Division of fundamental studies, Research institute of medicine and dentistry, Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Research affiliations:
MIPT center for human physiology studies, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Technologies, The Department of Applied Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9 Instituskii Lane, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia since 2012
The institute of Numerical Mathematics of the RAS and MIPT.
An expert-reviewer, Russian Scientific Foundation
International affiliations:
The Representative, The New European Surgical Academy (NESA) in Russia, Berlin, Germany
The Editorial Advisor, The Scientific Research Publishing Inc., Irvine CA, USA
Co-Founder and The Administrator-Principal Researcher, The International Translational Medicine & Biomodeling Research Team, Moscow, Russia
Clinical affiliations:
The R&D Advisor, Russian-German Center of Reproduction and Clinical Embryology, Moscow, Russia
Academic ranks & professional certifications:
MIPT Adjunct-Professor since 2014;
Doctor in de Medische Wetenschappen (2006)awardedby the Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Brussles, Belgium by assessment of experts from Katolieke Universiteit Leuven and Ghent University.
MSc [Med.Pharm.] (2004-2006): The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University, Belgium;
Postdoctoral Fellow [Researcher – Instructor] (1999-2002): KULeuven, Belgium;
ScD (1993-1997): The Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology and Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Russia;
PhD (1988-1992): The Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology and The Russian Scientific center of Surgery, RAMS, Russia;
ObGyn certifications (2012; 1987; 1982);
ObGyn Internship (1981-1982) Kazakh National Medical University (Alma-Ata State Medical Institute).
MD (1975-1981): Kazakh National Medical University (Alma-Ata State Medical Institute), Alma-Ata, KazSSR, USSR.
Past affiliations:
The Principal researcher, Laboratory of pilot projects, A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry 2014-2015;
Head of the division of experimental researches and modeling, A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine & Dentistry 2011-2014;
The Principal Researcher of the division of experimental researches and modeling 2009-2011;
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Postgraduate Education of Physicians, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia, 2011 (02-09);
An independent researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Cancerogenesis, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 2004-2008;
Vladislava Novikova,
Russian Federation

Prof. Vladislava Novikova
Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Kuban State Medical University (4, Sedina str, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350063)
Experience in clinical studies: 12 years.
I love life, I love my profession. Still feel a great desire for new discoveries in science and in everyday clinical practice. 18 years of doing the work of the beloved, I adore obstetrics the same as in the beginning. Having accumulated enough experience in research and clinical work, ready to be useful to patients and young scientists, students. Hard-working, self-critical.
Tirsa Verani K. Oroh,
Martin Prochazka,
Czech Republic

Dr. Virgiliu Prunoiu
1989-1995 Faculty of Medicine of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Scientific title: Ph.D. 2013 “Radiofrequency ablation in tumor pathology female genital”
Professional experience:
1996-1999 – Resident in Thoracic Surgery, Military Hospital Bucharest
2000-2004 – Resident in General Surgery, Caritas Clinical Hospital
2004 – Specialist in General Surgery
2006 – Research assistant in General Surgery at the Caritas Clinical Hospital
2007 –Assistant Professor at the UMF „Carol Davila” Bucharest
2011 – Ability in Surgical Oncology (Gynecologic Oncology)
Present Workplace and position:
„Alexandru Trestioreanu” Bucharest Oncology Institute – MD in General Surgery
Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest – Assistant Professor
Foreign languages: English, French, German (understand)
Published works, studies and abstracts in the Volumes of Abstracts of National and International Congresses and Symposia on the following themes: general surgery, oncology and radiotherapy (over fifty)
Journals indexed ISI (2008), CNCSIS, such as „CHIRURGIA”(„Surgery”-in Romanian)
Author and co-author of five books in general surgery
12. Member of the professional associations:
1994 – 1996 – member of the Society of Biophysics
1996 – until present days – member of the Romanian Society of General Surgery and member of the ARCE
Laparoscopic surgery – 2004
Thoracoscopy – 1999
Surgical oncology (Gynecologic oncology) – 2011
14. Specializations and qualifications
Joseph Sagi,

Dr. Marta Savic
Born in Belgrade (Serbia) 1956.
Medical study, master study and Ob and Gyn specialization finished at University of Belgrade.
Used to work at Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetric ion in Belgrade for 12 years, last 20 years work as the chief of Special Gynecological Hospital Sretenovic in Belgrade.
General secretary of Serbian Society for Human Reproduction.

Dr. Promise Sefogah is a Specialist Obstetrician Gynaecologist at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra Ghana.
He had his undergraduate medical training at the University of Ghana Medical School with some Electives at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA.
He trained as an Obstetrician Gynaecologist at the West Africa College of Surgeons (WACS) and the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons (GCPS). He also had further postgraduate studies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Endocrinology at the Harvard Medical School, MA, USA in addition to Gynaecological Oncology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
He holds an MSc Public Health in Health Service Management and Policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
H e is a clinician, Women’s Health Policy Advocate and Health Service Consultant.
His research areas include:
Reproductive endocrinology especially IVF among elderly nullips; Contraceptive failure patterns and their management, Maternal Healthcare Policy in developing countries; Barriers to skill birth attendance in developing countries; Peri-partum / Perinatal Psychiatry; Factors contributing to low prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding; Herbal medication in pregnancy, healthcare quality improvement strategies, Impacts of patient involvement and their care outcomes; unsafe abortions; cervical cancer awareness among corporate women, etc
Somaskandar Sivasuntharam,

Dr. Somaskandar Sivasuntharam was born and brought up in Penang. After completing his secondary education in CheltenhamCollege in United Kingdom, he was enrolled in KasturbaMedicalCollege, Mangalore, India where he graduated as a doctor in 1991.
He commenced his training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 1995 at Ipoh GeneralHospital and subsequently obtained his post graduate qualification from University Malaya in 2002.
He returned to PenangGeneralHospital in 2002 as a Clinical Specialist. He subsequently undertook further training in Gynaecologic Endoscopic Surgery (Laparoscopic Surgery / Minimally Invasive Surgery-MIS) at the Indian Institute of Laparoscopic Surgery Research & Training Centre-Coimbatore, India as well as in management of subfertility especially In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) at National University Hospital, Singapore and Bangalore Assisted Conception Centre, India.
In 2007, Dr. Somas joined PenangMedicalCollege as a Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and was responsible for teaching the 4th year Medical Students. He had conducted research projects with their twining colleges, RCSI, UCD and NationalMaternityHospital, Dublin, which he has been invited to present at international conferences as well as published in local and international journals. He is currently an Honorary Senior Lecturer and Examiner for medical students of PenangMedicalCollege.
Dr. Somas was the Penang State representative for the Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Malaysia (2012-2014), Malaysian Medical Association, Perinatal Society of Malaysia, Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia (SAAAMM) and World Endometriosis Society. He was invited to be a member of the Academy of Medicine in 2008. He is also the Medical Officer in Charge for the Malaysian Red Crescent (Cross) Society, Penang branch as well as the former Secretary to the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society. He is currently the President–elect of the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society
Dr. Somas is able to handle most obstetrics & gynaecological conditions and his special interest is in Reproductive Medicine, particularly in the management of subfertility and in performing Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgeries (Key-Hole Surgery).
His practice welcomes all women seeking gynaecological care and provides obstetric care for all expectant mothers especially on High Risk Obstetrics Care, Prenatal Diagnosis (Invasive & Non-invasive) and 3D/4D imaging of the Fetus. He currently practices in Gleneagles Penang, Malaysia.
He is fluent in English, Malay, and Tamil and speaks some Hokkien. He is married to a Paediatrician and they have a lovely daughter. He enjoys outdoor life, especially Salsa/Latin Dancing and traveling with the family.
Theodoros Stefos,
Katerina Vesela,
Czech Republic

Dr. Katerina Vesela
1984 – 1985 Faculty of Medicine, Komensky Univerzity Bratislava, Slovak Republic
1985 – 1990 Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk Univerzity Brno, Czech Republic
1995 I degree of specialization in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Brno
1998 II degree of specialization in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Prague
2009 Ph.D. in Biology and Genetics, Masaryk University, Brno Thesis: „Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis of Chromosomal Abnormities
and Aneuploidy Screening of Early Human Embryos in the Therapy of Infertile Couples using IVF method“
Proffesional Career:
1990 – 1995 Ist Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Brno
1995 – 1998 IInd Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Brno, specialist for reproductive endocrinology and assisted reproduction
1998 – present Executive Head – Sanatorium REPROMEDA, Brno
Professional experience:
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Minimal Invasive Surgery, Ultrasound, Reproductive Endocrinology, Assisted
Reproductive Techniques, Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Czech Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Czech Society of Genetics
Member of The Committee for Reproductive Medicine of the Czech Ministry of Health
Society of Private Gynaecologists of the Czech Republic
ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)
PGDIS (Preimplantaton Genetic Diagnosis International Society)
2004 – 2013 Member of ESHRE PGD Consortium Steering Committee
2008 – 2010 Member of ESHRE PGD Taksforce
2008 – 2013 Chair of the Accreditation Working Group of ESHRE PGD Consortium
2006 – present Chair of Foundation VITA HUMANA Czech Republic (helping couples and families with genetic risk of congenital deffects and inherited diseases)

Dr. Zdenko Vizintin has been working in laser technology for more than 30 years, having graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Electronics as an Electronics Engineer. Throughout his professional career he has been deeply involved in R&D and production of various laser systems for different industries. In his current position in Fotona as Medical Laser Program Director responsible for the Applications Development, and as Researcher and Expert Lecturer for Laser and Health Academy (LA&HA) Zdenko Vizintin is actively involved in new medical laser application development and validation through many clinical studies. He is the author and co-author of numerous laser engineering papers, as well as studies in the applications of laser in medicine. In last five years Zdenko is deeply involved in development of novel minimally invasive laser therapies in gynecology.
Hans-Henrik Wagner,
Rami Wakim,
United Kingdom
Aida Zujovic-Ajanovic,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Aida Zujovic-Ajanovic
1987-1991- Institute of Occupational Health Trepca / Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia / former Yugoslavia (General Practice)
1992-1999. Health Center “30th Juli “Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia-department of gynecology and obstetrics / gynecology specialist)
1999-2001. High school for nurses, Sarajevo / professor of ob/gyn and microbiology
2001-2003. Policlinic Eurofarm / MD OB / GYN, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
2003rd to 2011th JGL / Pharmaceutical company + Part time job at Eurofarm policlinic
2011 –still Policlinic Sun Agram-Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina as OB/GYN specialist
Photon Laser & Health Academy
Fotona Laser & Health Academy
Education and Laser Treatment
IntimaLase -Laser vaginal tightening
IncontiLase-Stress urinary incontinence laser treatment
Vaginal atrophy RenovaLase- laser treatment
Advances in Fetal Medicine Course 2013 London UK
EFC colposcopic Course, September 2013 Prague CZ
Colposcopic standards EFC colposcopic Course
Coordinators: Simon Leeson (UK), Radovan Turyn (CZ), Pekka Nieminen (FIN), Charles Redman (UK)
XII THE COURSE OF SCHOOL Perinatology – imaging and biomarkers, IGA and GAK Belgrade, Tara
Advances in Fetal Medicine Course 2012 London UK