

Zion Ben Rafael

Zion Ben Rafael, Israel

Bart Fauser

Bart C.J.M. Fauser, Netherlands
University of Utrecht

Rene Frydman

Rene Frydman, France
Antoine Beclere Hospital

Section Heads

(Scientific Committees)

Fetomaternal Medicine

Aris Antsaklis

Aris Antsaklis, Greece
University of Athens

Frank Chervenak

Frank Chervenak, USA
Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Dan Farine

Dan Farine, Canada
University of Toronto

Gerard Visser

Gerard Visser, Netherlands
University Medical Center Utrecht


Victor Gomel

Victor Gomel, Canada
University of BC

Jacques Donnez

Jacques Donnez, Belgium
Catholic University of Louvain

Laura Rienzi

Laura Rienzi, Italy
GENERA Centres for Reproductive Medicine


Xavier Bosch

Xavier Bosch, Spain
Health University Barcelona


Benedetti Panici

Benedetti Panici, Italy
Umberto I Hospital

Gynecology/Menopause/ Family planning

Jacques Donnez

Jacques Donnez, Belgium
Catholic University of Louvain

Andrea Genazzani

Andrea Genazzani, Italy
University of Athens

Santiago Palacios

Santiago Palacios, Spain
Palacios’ Institute of Women’s Health

Serge Rozenberg

Serge Rozenberg, Belgium
Free University of Brussels

Sven Skouby
Sven Skouby, Denmark
University of Copenhagen